Events within China and China’s increasing engagement with the world will  impact people around the globe.  This Special Interest Group will review and discuss current events relating to China – with a special focus on their impact in the United States.  Our objective will be to gain a greater understanding of the Chinese culture and the objectives of the Chinese government.  No prior knowledge or experience with the subject is required.    

These one hour sessions during lunchtime are an extension of the class on China’s Challenges held in May 2020.  However, the group is open to all OLLI members, free of charge.  Sessions will meet virtually at noon on September 2, October 7, November 4 and December 2 (the first Wednesday of the month).  If interest continues, we will meet in the Spring as well.

Ken Allen will facilitate.  But group members will be asked to also submit questions or ideas for discussion.  We anticipate having special, expert guests join us for two of the sessions.  In between meetings, Ken will send out articles of interest and members are encouraged to do the same.

We all have experienced the challenges of good discussion in a virtual environment.  These sessions will be arranged to encourage give and take among all participants who wish to comment and ask questions.

If you would like to participate or would like further information, please email Ken Allen at