It’s time to join or renew your membership! Don’t miss an opportunity to maximize a full year’s worth of the outstanding learning opportunities available to you.
We have designated Tuesday, July 18th as Re-Up Day for OLLI annual membership renewal. Please mark your calendars and renew your 2017/2018 membership on or before Re-Up Day. Leading up to and during ReUp Day we will post our membership totals as we work toward the goal of growing your institute’s membership by 10% this fall. Along the way we will recognize & highlight members for their commitment to lifelong learning!
Now is the perfect time to renew as July marks the beginning of the new membership year and the 10th anniversary of OLLI at the University of Arkansas. Additionally, in April, OLLI was awarded a $25,000 capacity building grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation. These funds will allow us to develop an infrastructure to grow our programs and membership in innovative ways that will help to stabilize OLLI well into the future. The Osher gift requires that we increase our membership by 10% by year end 2017 and if successful we will be eligible for a second gift of $25,000 next year. Help us to fulfill the Osher Foundation Grant membership requirements by renewing your OLLI membership and encouraging your friends and fellow members to join the OLLI family, as well.
Annual memberships follow the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30 and are tax deductible. To see membership options and renew online visit our Participate page and click on Membership.
If renewing online, don’t worry if you have forgotten your sign in or password, as there is no need to set up a new account. On the log in page, simply type in your email address and request your username and password be sent to you via email. If you have questions about this process please call the OLLI office at 479-575-4545.
Help us grow the “O” and be part of what will be OLLI’s best semester ever! There are over 65 exciting, informative courses waiting for you in addition to social outings, interest groups and special events. The 2017 OLLI Fall Course Catalog will be in your Sunday NWA Democrat Gazette on August 20th and available on our website. Remember as an OLLI member you have the privilege to register for courses on August 22nd before the general public. We look forward to seeing you soon and hope that you can attend our Open House on August 31st. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at or 479-575-4545.