The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offers nearly 100 courses this spring, with descriptions and other information, including registration and membership options, available in a printed catalog and on the institute website.

The OLLI Spring 2021 Catalog will appear in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette Sunday, January 24, 2021.

The spring season begins with “The Gospel According to Bruce Springsteen”, an inside glimpse into New Jersey born singer songwriter Bruce Springsteen. Springsteen, a self-proclaimed lapsed Catholic, has championed social justice while singing out on behalf of refugees, migrants, AIDS victims, day laborers, the chronically poor, and other oppressed groups. This course offers a close examination of Springsteen’s lyrics and music (ca 1970 to 2020), explores his Catholic background, and discusses how these intersect with Christ’s instruction to take care of “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). 

Topics for the spring season include language instruction, history, religion, sustainability, stress management, yoga and other aspects of good health. Most OLLI courses are held virtually over Zoom, with some select courses in-person. Other topics cover current events both abroad and at home such as immigration, socialism, Nobel Prize Winners, and global challenges. General registration opens Jan. 27, followed by non-member registration on 2/1.  

Currently, the institute is seeking instructors and course proposals for the upcoming fall term. Current and former U of A faculty, staff and graduate students and other working professionals lead courses, drawing on their personal and professional experience. The deadline for fall course proposals is April 30. In addition to courses, OLLI members have the opportunity to engage in monthly social and cultural events, special programs, book clubs, special interest groups and more.

Additionally, For the current semester running Jan. 17, 2021 – June 30, 2021, OLLI is offering a one-time, discounted, spring membership. Join or renew during the spring semester to receive this amazing opportunity. Memberships expire June 30, 2021, at which time they can be renewed at the regular annual price.

OLLI provides non-credit courses and continuing education opportunities to seasoned adults.

OLLI at the U of A was established in 2007. It is one of 120 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes across the United States and is the only one in the state of Arkansas. These lifelong learning institutes are partially funded through the Bernard Osher Foundation.